As another year passes and New Year resolutions are sketched out, I'm always drawn to ponder the up and downs of the past 12 months...
- tweaked a little
- fab wkends in Wales (CyB, Afan) - with great company !
- learnt there's more to Cannock than just "FtD"
- exposed to the Peaks - thanx John
- tried new boots
- UGI struck... more than once !
- I finally won something
- biggest stack - no cuts this time ;)
- broke stuff
- "boutique" arrival - phaw
- blogs 1st birthday - excess of 1k hits pcm, thanx mom !
- 44wks commuting
- met new pals (eek, aah, eh, with not a poser in sight)
- rode with plenty a'good mates
Although my riding has improved (a bit) it's easy to overstep my
*ahem* "talents". As there's still room for improvement, '07 will see a few new targets set...hopefully I'll achieve 'em this time !

Here's wishing you all the very best for the year ahead and may all your knobblies roll with good fortune :D
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