Afan Friday afternoon

A few of the posse managed to take a day off work with which to travel to south Wales and hopefully arrive early enough in the day to fit in a sneaky ride before the bulk of the posse arrive. I often find that these trails take me a while to adjust my riding style and I was also keen to get Dozer out there as he hasn't experienced them before.
The drive down was unerving as we all passed through some heavy downpours that I feared might set a trend for the wkend. As it happens we were extremely lucky during our 4 days riding with the rain only appearing overnight and our riding was under cloudy yet sunny skies :thumbu. Although we'd passed through some heavy showers this trail didn't show any sign of damp so we were able to crank around without too many problems.
The Penhydd trail starts at Afan Forest park and has been badged as an ideal trail for the less experienced rider, although I think that's a little cheeky.

The Hidden Valley, is a particularly sweet section with lots of twisty technical sections and the trail often runs right up to the edge of the slope with a long drop for anyone who over runs the turn. As it was dry the turns were easily railed at a substantial pace which helped gain a little air over any following rises.
Dozer experimented with a slightly lower fork pressure and although it felt nicer on the rough stuff he now had some re-learning to do.
Sidewinder and Sheep Dip Gulley are fun to blat along and both Rob and I smoked these bits on each others heals. After which we agreed that travelling too close at such silly speeds wasn't such a great idea and was inviting disaster...even though it was great fun :p
Dozer seemed pleased after popping his Welsh cherry and we were all keen to cover plenty more miles of singletrack throughout the course of the wkend.
Posse; Dozer (Endozer), Farqui (5Spot), Rob (Flux)
Route; Tracklog
Weather; Warm, overcast
Mechanicals; none
Inuries; none
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