Friday, September 15, 2006

Swinnerton Cycles Affiliation

Swinnerton Cycles recently announced their new online store which promises a massive stock and to include more obscure and specific items than any other retailer. I initially clocked this over at Singletrack, as they were teaming up to offer readers a further 10% discount on their already competitive prices, clicky for more details.

A quick browse of the clean, new site reveals that Swinnerton's offerings are competitive, even against the likes of CRC and Wiggle.

For additional benefits, I've also added our beloved Knobblies blog to their affiliation program which promises you even more savings. To receive this discount you need to access the Swinnerton Cycles website using a specific link, so update you shortcuts to;

I've added this url the "retailers" section of the blog's sidebar. Oh and their site logo within this post ;)


Farqui said...

Ah, the £3.50 UPS delivery charge stings a bit after getting used to the free p&p offered by the "big" players.

At least they're able to acquire the more abscure bits that I needed.