Sunday, February 14, 2010


It's been a wet, cold and snowy winter in the Chilterns and for the first year in many, by mid December I'd lost the will to continually churn mud on my local trails! When it did final freeze and firm up, it was quickly followed by snow and ice. As a result, I abandoned the trail and headed for the shed! Here is the result

Project 1) Wifees Bike: I wanted her frame for 'project 3' and as a consequence had to find a low cost frame or leave my wife without a bike....I chose the first option.. I took a flyer on a 'BeOne' frame from CRC for £95.00. It's Aluminium, very light weight, surprisingly well finished for the money and most importantly, she thinks it looks good! I've had a little ride and although its too small for me, it rides really well.

Project 2) Cotic Soul: Umm..I've been wittering on about getting one of these for ages. In the end I had to wait for Cotic's first delivery of 2010 frames and I was lucky enough to get the last orange frame before they sold out. The rest of the parts are reasonably high spec and have been assembled over the last year from a variety of places incl, ebay and repaired/upgraded parts.
Guess I will have to report back on how it rides. Watch this space.....

Project 3) Retro: I resurrected my original 1998 Specialized Rockhopper and even managed to find the original steel fork. I decided to build a 'cross bike', something to handle gravel tracks and country roads. I need to get some miles in while I wait for Spring!! Oh, I hope I don't get excommunicated from the blog for posting a bike with road tyres fitted! It does look 'kind of cool'...........

Still in the shed.....stripping down the Canyon's rear suspension and replacing seized bearings!! I'll post a few pictures of the reapir when I'm done!


Farqui said...

My you have been a busy beaver.

The wife's rig looks a treat with the nicely coordinated Fox fork.

Unlike the Cotic ;)

Hmmm, the duck egg Spesh has a purpose I suppose...

Well done.

Willy said...

The only one I want to see is the Cotic - forsome reason my browser does not display it - unless it has that James Bond special coating that makes it invisible

uphilla said...

Wow, I am impressed! Inspired to sort my 'stable' out now - new project on the go as we speak ;-)
Ask Farqui to show you the retro mountain biking book I found in hay-on-Wye for more like your Rockhopper!

Rob#2 said...

Hi Willy,

Do you want me to send you a picture direct??

Rob#2 said...

Hi Uphilla,
Looking forward to the 'new project' .....Farqui with a retro book...was it a present? Does he secretly aspire to own a Penny Farthing and ride it on Whites level