Peeps, I'm starting to suffer withdrawal symptoms from the Welsh hills and would like to get back down south to Afan before the year is out. None of the Westoning posse have been before and most are keen to give it a try.
September 22nd (Friday) thru 5th (Monday)
Trails: Are world class belter's, with two main biking centres to ride from,
Afan Forest Park and
Glyncorrwg. The rides are challenging with involving climbs giving way to some awesome views. The descent at the end of the Skyline/July trail is one of/if not the best DH sections this xc rider has ridden. Compared to CyB the facilities and trails are newer, have much more flow to them and are probably more rocky. Since last year they've added a couple of sections, incl'g a strip of north shore riding ala Cannock.
There's also number of "family" cycle ways plus a host of other
activities available in the immediate area if you'd like to bring along your own lickle posse.
Accom: During our last trip to
Afan, Brumster booked us some fab
accommodation (nothing like the "midgets" residence we endured in
CyB) that easily supported 5 peeps, their bikes and gear, per cabin. We also found that they back onto one of the trails, The Wall I think. They're available from Friday until Monday so if someone wants to make use of a long wkend down there. There are 4 cabins available and we had 2 cabins last year between 8 of us. Although there aren't any pubs nearby we'll have no problem stretching out, kicking back and enjoying ourselves after a days hard riding. I've just emailed Bryn Bettws and they speedily replied with;
"We have cabins free all of October and apart from 15th - 18th September we have at least 3 free. The cabins are even more fabulous now as we have a games room, with a pool table, darts and board games available for your use and weather permitting, a lovely barbeque area."
So what say you posse, who's up some more top class trail riding ?
Farqui said...
Great, at least I won't be alone :rolleyes
Cabins are £23pppn with full occupancy (x5), staying both Friday & Saturday nights. A little more than CyB but we'll get sooo much more.
Farqui said...
Cabin response...We have cabins free all of October and apart from 15th - 18th September we have at least 3 free. The cabins are even more fabulous now as we have a games room, with a pool table, darts and board games available for your use and weather permiting, a lovely barbeque area.
Farqui said...
After last Sunday's ride, I reckon DDave stands for "Dozin Dave" ! Wecome aboard, the more the merrier pal.
Gulp, if you're able to crank your Gemini UP those steep sided valleys as well as hang on during the DOWNS, then you truely will be godlike ;) *gauntlet tossed into the air*
Hmmm, I believe the pic is of a relatively new DH section on the Whites Trail at Afan. I could be wrong tho, but at least it shows some typical southern terrain for those that haven't been.
Rob said...
I'm in.
Joffers are ye cookin again? If ye are I'm eatin and I ain't telling Grrrrm aka 'old two elpins'. He can stay at home with his bumper pack of Mars Bars and let someone else get to the trough! I wonder if he's been concussed recently?
Could take a day or two from the grindstone if ye wanna make the best of it?
W/E 1st, 15th and 29th Sept, 13th & 27th Oct are my non-kid weekends. For me prob 29th Sept would be the best choice.
I can take my kids if that's what everyone else wants to do but I don't have a little helper to allow me to play on the big boys slides. My boys will be 8 & 12 by then and can do easy to medium tracks. They can handle decent distances too. I'm happy either way, just like you Joffers I don't think it'll be long before they're showing me how. When they can stay awake that is ;-)
Farqui said...
Roll call; Farq's, Uphilla, DDave, Rob
A long wkend might be an option, there's certainly plenty of riding down there. On the Monday, if we've exhausted Afan, we could even head back towards Bristol a little and hit CwmCarn...
I still need to check dates with Chipmunk to see if she'd prefer wkends when she's working, or not - a one car conundrum again :rolleyes
Farqui said...
Splendid, welcome aboard Dozer. I expect that this'll be the first "proper" outing for Endozer and that you'll defo learn alot...
Now that we have at least 5 (for a cabin), lets select a date. Rob prefers the wkend 29th Sept and that's cool with me. What say the rest ?
Farqui said...
Graham and Darren are also ok with 29th Sept, giving a posse of 7; Farq's, Uphilla, DDave, Rob, Dozer, Sicknote, Darren
Farqui said...
I spoke to soon, Uphilla can't make wkend Sept 29th.
Most seem happy with 15th Sept so we'll aim for that, for now... 3 cabins were still available that wkend so we should be ok.
Farqui said...
Ok, we seem to have ridden out a couple of issues with dates and the the wkend 15th Sept is THE date.
As we've sufficient peeps for at least one cabin, I'll reserve two for now. The price difference isn't huge and with two we'll be able to spread out. Remember, if we do fill both then it'll be cheaper per person.
To confirm your place I'll need a £30 deposit ASAP.
Farqui said...
Hey folks, you're gonna love this...
The cabin peeps have just replied re: our booking for the 15th and they don't have ANY available that wkend ! :thumbd *ahem* Kinda depends how you read their earlier email *ahem*.
:( :x :( :x :rolleyes
As Sept looks too conentious, how are peeps fixed for w/e 13th October ? There's defo 2 cabins free then. At least for now !!!
Supply several free dates this time and I'll get Neo to matrix a plan...
Farqui said...
Peeps, Rob is willing to rearrange his schedule and free up the wkend'g Sept 22th. Armed with this, I've asked peeps directly and thus far we have a posse of 7; Darren, DDave, Dozer, Farq's, Rob, Sicknote & Uphilla.
We also have some interest from the likes of Roger & Mark, Brumster, Ben "might" not be on hols, Les, Chris (Darrens "Peaks" mate).
I've just received confirmation back from the cabin peeps and we now have two adjacent cabins reserved for the wkend Sept 22nd.
Can I now ask that you each divvy up your £30 deposits ASAP to confirm your place.
Farqui said...
Posse latest; Darren, DDave, Dozer, Farq's, Les, Rob, Roger & Mark, Sicknote & Uphilla.
So we have potentially filled both cabins, pending deposits...
Farqui said...
I've received only 3 deposits in two weeks peeps and if I don't get enough for the 2nd cabin then I may have to cancel it. Before money was mentioned, we easily had enough for 2 cabins - perhaps even 3. I'm operating on a first come, first served based, so where are y'all ?!
Thus far I've a confirmed posse of just x4; Dozer, Farq's, Rob, Uphilla.
Farqui said...
After a slow start, I've now received sufficient deposits to fully occupy 2 cabins. Yes folks, that's a current posse of 10 hombres looking to ride some top class Welsh trails. Consisting of; Darren, DDave, Dozer, Farqui, Les, Rob, Roger, Mark (Rog's pal), Sicknote, Uphilla
News just in, Darren's "Peaks" pal Chris and his misses (who's apparently a very able MTBer) also want to join in the fun - pending deposit's. Roger has indicated that some of his pal's are interested but is dragging his heals confirming numbers and Brumster has now upgraded to positive "tentative yes" (ahem).
So please get in touch if you've anyone who could fill the last 2-3 places of a 3rd cabin. It's in our best interests to help keep the cost down ;)
Farqui said...
Brumster's deposits are in (himself, misses & pooch).
Checkout CwmDown under "the track" for what DDave and his DH sidekick Brumster should fancy. Possibly on the Monday morning, schedules permitting...
Farqui said...
Oh-o, I've just checked the MetCheck website, "Rest of 2006" option and found...
18 Sep - 24 Sep
The Atlantic starts to return more Autumn storms during this period, the period around 23rd/24th is liable to gales.
Confidence: 60%
Bummer. But forecasting the weather that far in advance isn't reliable and it'd prob'ly be more accurate with my aunty's weejee board. Right ?
Farqui said...
Chris and Jenni's cheque has finally arrived, so our eager posse now stands at 14.
Some have queried just how much is left to pay and with just one free slot remaining, we each owe a further £19.
For full occupancy of 15 bod's, the remainder falls to a paltry £16.
Dozer is trying to figure out how's travelling when and with who. For now, it looks like the Westoning crew will be driving down v.early on Saturday.
Myself (and Rob if he remembers :huh) were planning on arriving Friday lunchtime and hitting the trails in the afternoon :D
Uphilla, have you figured out if you'll be making a long wkend of it ? Basically, will I be bringing Daahnhilla back ? It's not a problem if he's ok with that, I'm just trying to sort out logistics and hire cars.
I and Daahnhilla were also keen to call in at Cwmcarn on Monday morning.
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