Sicknote is...poorly

Apparently he's damaged his wrist and has a Scaphoid fracture of some sort. This looks like a potentially nasty little injury, so let’s hope that it heals quickly (picture from American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons).
I'm not normally a betting man, but perhaps we should have a sweep stake on how long it takes mrKungFu to spring back to full health ? Tho it'd be more fun to guess how many Mars Bars he'll demolish whilst convalescing :O ;)
What I want to know is - did he get concussed ? :p - this was Sicknotes fave CyB phrase !
Farqui said...
...from's too early to tell. My arm will be in plaster for 6 weeks. If it has not fixed itself by 8 weeks, I will need an operation :0(
Summer cycling is knackered.
Farqui said...
...update...Sicknote is now well on the mend and was dismissed from further treatment a few wks ago. This might have had something to do with our very own "karate kid" managing to use his "busted" mitt to crush his consultants hand !
He's been back on the bike for a while now, initially riding on smooth asphalt. More recently he's even managed a few miles on our beloved dirt, albeit over gentle singletrack.
I've my knobblies crossed that his sucessful recovery continues and that he'll be 110% for Afan.
Farqui said...
Apparently Sickers took another tumble on Sunday's ride and guess what ?...he's bust his other wrist !
Exactly the same injury - doh.
At least he knows how long it'll take to repair :p
Get well soon.
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