BikeWeek is nearly upon us

When ? 17th to 25th June, a little over two weeks away.
If a cycle commute is unreasonable or a whole week of isn't viable, then why not attend an organised event, there's around 1,500 to choose from...searchy thingy here.
This year, numerous charity's are involved which make it even more important to do your bit and get involved. As it happens, baby Chipmunk is going to crank out the Great Notts ride for many a worthwhile cause, well done her.
Go on, join in the annual celebration of cycling and help promote our sport. ..
-'ll be heathier for it
- refreshed
- ...vibrant :p
- ...reduce stress
- money (fuel/parking)
- the planet
- ...raise money
Farqui said...
On Sunday, most of the Westoning posse completed the London to Brighton, British Heart Foundation charity ride (review to follow).
Additionally "baby Chipmunk" finished her Great Notts ride. A big well done. Although her group rode quicker than she'd prefer, she clung on until the flag. Even with a leaking hydro bladder, a broken rucksac strap and bunchin undies :o
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