Berko Loops

With lamps lit we started out and lifted ourselves up a quiet gentle tarmac incline before diving off-road in amongst the trees. As you can see from the route profile the first few miles were mostly flat pedal-y sections through Berko common which were great fun. R2 needn't have worried about the trails as there were only a few puddles to contend with. Dodging the occasional black pool actually added to the fun as we ducked and dived around the the trees :p
As predicted the 2nd half of the ride involved a number of great descents that were promptly dispatched with massive grins. R2 wasn't too keen on getting run over so he often hung back letting those with less sense than travel hammer a line down the trail. With my single bar mounted lamp I often had to trust in my machine to get me around, over and under! the rapidly approaching obstacles. A head mounted lamp would have been a great help and might have given my fast beatin' ticker a breather ;) Squish suspension helped me out on numerous occasions but I really must give my ol'steed some TLC as the rear shock was way too soft.
Rob had a chance to demonstrate his climbing prowess as he winched himself up the "Donkey Trail" with it's loose, channeled, steadily steep track there to grind down a tired rider. To his snotty credit R2 kept up but I lost the will and hop'd off to push for a few meters.
My companions with their helmet mounted lights scanned the trails and undergrowth which often found eyes peering back at us. Lots of eyes. It seems that the deer are rampant in these parts but I'm still not convinced that the grunts came from our antlered onlookers rather than my lycra clad companions :D
Big props to R2 for a truly fantastic hack. I could have ridden numerous sections again and again, mostly the downhill bits ! ...and to Rob for repairing my snap'd chain.
A big thanks has also gotta go to MrsR2 who cooked up some top post ride nosh for the hungry posse :thumbu
Posse: Farqui (5spot), R2 (Canyon), Rob (Flux)
Weather: Dry, cool, windy
Mechanicals: Farqui - snapped chain
Rob#2 said...
Even though I ride the posted route on a fairly regular basis, I really enjoyed last night. Conditions were good and by following closely I was dragged along the down hill sections at a fine pace..possible quicker then usual. However, I was upset that my L&M HID battery gave up after 2 hours! Survived on trusty Ay Up but need to fix the problem! Will try charging indoors instead of the shed.
Rob said...
Fantastic ride, the route was brilliant, this area offers some of the best riding anywhere. Having had a daytime taster I jumped at the chance of returning for a night ride. The crowning glory was the most excellent scoff afterwards, I think I made a bit of a pig of myself, most kind Mrs P.
I guess it's my turn next but I'm afraid it will be a poor imitation of both this and the recent Woburn night ride and the other Mrs P's fine chow.
I shall propose a date shortly.
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