Saturday, July 19, 2008

Proper 5 Spot

*ducks the incoming abuse*

Just spotted this and thought those with the 5spots might be interested to see what happens when you through lightweight out of the window....

*Found on SDH,163105.0.html


Farqui said...

DHilla, access to the "SDH" thread seems to be restricted to registered users :-(

Dangerous Dave said...

Ah well. Interestingly enough, it only weighs 28lbs as I found out today! Not bad for the kit on it.

Just goes to show the 5spot truly is a "jack of all trades"!!

Anonymous said...

Hi - what the five like to jump - has it a short back end? I am in a Trek 9.0 Carbon vs Turner 5Spot Dilema???

Farqui said...

The 5Spot is a solid workhorse and I'm sure it'd be better at surving landings than a plastic Trek.

Anonymouse - we've a 5Spot frameset for sale amongst our posse - medium, HL Spot with 5.5 rockers, an '08 RP23. More info here. Drop me an email if you're interested (see sidebar "Contact").