Ee By Gum or Dalby Forestnorth
Dalby Forest/North Yorkshire Moors - 25-27/04/08

I did a blue route about 5 years ago with the family, the hills aren’t as big as Wales and the tracks might not be as rocky, but I still think there will be lots there to test us all and have some fun at the same time. Probably spend a full day at Dalby and then ½ day on a local XC route. We have details of a few other XC routes in the area and we could always return to Dalby to repeat the sections we liked. I suggest the main riding Sat and Sun, but the keen ones amongst you can have a ride Fri and Mon.
Dalby Forest Trails
Dalby Trail Info
More Dalby Trail info
XC Route
Local XC route
Cabins, nearby at Keldy Forest
Cabin Info
3 nights Fri - Sun
6-8 std, 3 beds £259
4-6 superior, 2 beds £259
Let me know if you are interested, but to avoid the nightmare that poor old Farqui has had organising the last few trips I think I’ll let people get together themselves in small groups and book their own accommodation? It will depend on what response I get and how quickly.
Uphilla & Dozer
uphilla said...
Book me in! I will get my flat cap ready, ey-up!
Farqui said...
Excellent, a wkend's riding to look forward to. Well done.
I'm up for it.
Will I need a passport :p
Re: Accom - how big are the "3 beds" if they sleep 8 ! :o
Farqui said...
Farqui said...
Woohoo this is the 300th post :thumbu
Farqui said...
Roger says he's interested and will stay tuned for updates.
Farqui said...
Dozer, do we have any more peeps interested or should be arrange something else ?...
toons said...
I'll join you for the day at Dalby and maybe rope in a few other.
Farqui said...
Looks like the Sunday will see Dalby alive with a demo day.
Farqui said...
Dalby accommodation spreadsheet now available.
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