Sunday, March 18, 2007

Moist and Squishy

Earlier this weekend, I popped open mrNixon and according to the instructions I should have drained 16cc from each leg but found just a few drops dribbled out. After a quick clean, he was re-assembled complete with plenty of 5-40w lube for his "open bath" lushness.

A couple of laps around Chicksands had a high tide mark over 3/4's up the stanchions and he once again tracks smoothly over the rough. I'll suspect the psi, compression and rebound will need a tweak now that we're moving freely. Thankfully the Welsh unpredictable notchy-ness is a thing of the past and it looks like we're ready for some pukka rocky action at 7Stanes :p

I need to re-read the manual as I may be able to pop apart the damping and/or rebound circuits which also rely on a little lube for schweet, buttery smoothness. Although I recall that at least one of 'em needs a special gizmo to access the internals :(

I thunk he was last serviced some 18 months ago so it seems that a more regular spannerin' schedule would have prevented my recent Welsh wrestling match. So don't let a notchy bouncer ruin your looming northern trip, go get lubed up and treat your rig to a quick fettle.