Thetford - Bomb Holes & Singletrack!!
It was by coincidence that I had contact with a local guy, Nick (Tubbs on STW), who initially gave some useful updates on the local conditions and then agreed to guide us.
One big bonus of his guidance that would please the Yorkshire men amongst us was that he suggested parking at Brandon Country Park rather than the forest centre and promptly saved us a fiver per car! Another local and STW gal, Caroline (Caro) from Ipswich, also joined us.
The journey over from Northampton was quicker than expected at around 1½ hours. Brandon was heaving with cyclists when I arrived – apparently it was some sort of training day for the Thetford Winter series – even so, I have never seen so many MTB’s in one place before.

After about 8 miles we headed for the Forest centre Café for a lunch stop – once again heaving with MTBs – some that would be more at home on downhill courses. Caro left us at this point and Nick headed us for the ‘private’ area used for Dusk ‘til Dawn and past signs warning of shooting taking place. Quite a bit of fire road cranking, but then some long twisty sections of single-track with berms, (apparently built by our motorised cousins). I really enjoyed these sections, though it was not natural territory for Dozer and Sicknote did a spectacular dismount coming out of one section when his rear wheel hit a slippy root. The only downside was riding across the seemingly endless furrows, I couldn't quite work out how to tackle these. Nick’s local knowledge gave him a big edge here and he was soon out of sight – I had fun chasing him at one point and could just about stay with him. We found another bomb hole – this time with a small lip built into the exit to give some air – Les managed this well the first time then lost it on attempt number two, ending in a heap on the ground.
Total run was around 20 miles and toward the end the legs were very tired. As Dozer said – there was no coasting here, you were always cranking away. If you know the area this is a good winter outing as there was very little mud on the trails we rode. The mystery of the day was the fact that Nick and his bike were as clean and shiny at the end of the ride as at the start, obviously he knows the right lines to take, nice bloke too!
There was some talk of getting teams together for the Dusk ‘til dawn race later this year :o ...time to start training??
Farqui said...
I'm glad the ground was good for ya - others didn't fare so well over the wkend.
T'was a darn shame that we couldn't make it, it sounds like you had some fun.
Hehe, I recall that Thetford offers some good single track and would love to explore it some more. The TL should help future visits, thanx.
So some are "thinking" of following DDave's XC antics from last year and entering the '07 D2D. I'm not so sure about these teams events, but wouldn't want to do it solo either. I guess a few laps within a team won't drain riders, but what'd'ya do when your knobblies aren't rollin ?
uphilla said...
Drink Beer, eat Pies and cake :-)
dozer said...
dozer said...
Uphilla, thanks for doing the write up. Twas a good day out and worth repeating soon if local tracks don't improve!
I can see we would need 2 teams for the D2D!
I'll go for the one named 'Beer, Pies and Cake'
and let Farqui, Rob + ? enter one called? 'Lucozade, Energy Bars and sleep?'
uphilla said...
Think we could have some fun thinking up team names and seeing how many people we can offend!!;-) I think Rob will have some difficulty getting his horse through the trees, won't he??
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