Norton Loop

It's official, Uphilla is a nasty man ! Why? After a few miles crankin' he whizzed us straight past a great lookin' chippy (in Long Buckby) which smelt absolutely magnificent. But did he stop, oh no - the cruel man :p
Crossing over the A5, M1 and railway "corridor" we found it hellish noisy and I felt quite relieved to be out on a bike rather than those poor stressed out commuters, cramed into tin cans, travelling gawd-knows how many miles. Only to it all again the next day !
All in all, this was a very pleasant way to spend an evening in some good company. Topped off with a pint in the local pub - where they ignore spandex clad strangers...
You'll fine some more pic's here and even a Tracklog of the route here.
Posse: DDave, Farqui, Uphilla
Mechanicals: DDave had a loose chainring bolt and a noisy chain guide.
Weather: Windy, cloudy, cool yet pleasant.
Farqui said...
Thanx for the guided tour fella's, I enjoyed it.
Although I could have done with a few less of the gates, for a moment there I thought I was back at Afan !
***dreams of rocks and big hills***
Farqui said...
Crumbs with that many places to munch, it's defo bigger that I first thought.
The rutted section wasn't as bad as I'd anticipated, so perhaps I picked the smoother side ? The Ridgeway was much, much worse - a cranks level job. Mind you, I wouldn't want to ride either when they're muddy and wet !
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