Norman Wisdom in Woburn !

Scene#1 : after a particularly boggy section I stopped to check that the good lady had made it thru ok only to see her ride wide and faulter. She dab'd, lost her footing and fought the inevitable for a split second before finally giving in, rolling her head back and falling flat on her back. It was almost like someone had yanked hard on her backpack sending her to the ground. Now I had a dilemma :( Should I ? a) laugh uncontrollably b) race over to check see was ok or c) all of the above. Option c) won and on further inspection I was relieved to find that she wasn't hurt and thought it was as funny as I. :lol
Scene#2 : after cranking for a number of miles through muddy and strength sapping terrain, lady Norman came to an easy bridleway turn. As I was already around the corner, I checked over my shoulder to see that Chippy was still following only to see bike, rider and a solitary 6" length of branch, meet and rapidly all part company. The lickle log shot one way, the bike the other and our stunt gal pirouette to the ground. Quite how see managed to ride over the only foreign body on an otherwise sterile and flat sandy trail is a complete mystery. But the slow motion replay will stay with me for some time :D
But surely we had a damaged and mightly unhappy Chipmunk at the end of the ride ? Fear not readers as our conscientious stunt gal had been wearing body armour :o Which performed faultlessly and I'm very happy she had the forethought to wear this eccentric Xmas gift - a chuckle at the time :p
It's the first time we've tried these knee and shin guards and after todays antics, I doubt it'll be the last :) Apparently they're comfortable to wear, don't impair your riding too much and also help to keep you warm at this time of year ;) They're Thor Quadrant Knee and Elbow Guards, acquired from Wiggle, with the elbow protection being the less cumbersome "youth" variety.
Farqui said...
Hmmm, Chipmunk may want them to protect her..."investment"...
Actually, I'd say that CyB is less rocky than Afan. However one particular section of the shorter RedBull trail is strewn with mega boulders. In every direction.
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