Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Kapow !

I experienced a first on the way home last night, when my chain snapped. Which helped to explain the occassional click I'd noticed over the past week or so ! It's never happened to me before, but then my commuter doesn't get the attention it should. Fortunately, I was nearly home at the time and scooted along for a while. As it was dark, I didn't fancy wrestling with a grubby chain on the pavement especially as we had friends already at home waiting for dinner.

Why do bad things always happen when you don't want them to ? Posted by Picasa


Farqui said...

With a new chain in place, I started my commute this morning and ran over something in the park. Which I hadn't clocked beforehand, but it was sufficient to buck the bike. Sure enough, within a few hundred meters, I had a flat !

I hope there's not a 3rd "incident" waiting for me tonight !

Farqui said...

That's a good point, The commuter had Shimano fitted. I've pretty much always used SRAM chains on my fully. I reckon to get a couple of hundred miles more and I love the quick link thingy. Plus, I've never had one snap on me and surely I crank more pressure when off road ?

Farqui said...

On last nights dash home I listened to a few clicks before the chain broke. As I was close from home and it was a sunny evening I simply walked the last .5mile.

Fiddlin' in the garage it transpires that a plate had sheared this time which I've never seen before. Oh hum, bodged the sucka back together and it seemed fine this morning.