ALDI CYCLING KIT 2005 - Review
If you hang out on any of the MTB related Forums you will have seen mention of the various cycling clothing etc. that ALDI put out as one of their weekly specials annually. People always ask if the stuff is any good. I have bought a number of items in the past as I did this year and thought it might be worth feeding back after some weeks of use. Items bought this year were: Winter Cycling Trousers; Winter Cycling Gloves; Overshoes; Socks; Hydration Rucksack. There were shoes, spd pedals, shirts, thermal underwear and more on offer.
First thing I noticed this time was that the colour choices were better - some of the past offerings may have been fine, but there is no way you would have been seen in the colour combinations.
Gloves proved to comfy and reasonably warm, but I have now had to buy a better pair for freezing days as they are not that well insulated - will do fine for Spring/Autumn and at £3.99 a pair would be recommended.
Trousers and Jacket have now become my standard wear for cold days, they are comfy, keep the wind out and look fine if not as stylish as branded wear. Trousers could use a bit more padding and i guess the jacket is not that 'breathable', but again at under £10 per item, highly recommended.
Overshoes proved to be a mistake, they are intended to fit over slim cycling shoes and will not go near my 'Skate Shoes'. The zips are reported to be not that durable.
I still had my hydration back pack from the previous year and it serves me well both for liquid intake and carrying tools, spares and snacks, (it has plenty of storage inside and out - thoughtful things like exits for headphones.) The zips gave up on one of last year's bags, will have to wait and see if they have improved then this time - I have bought more for our family skiing trip because at £8.99 each they can't be beat. My main dislike is of the mouthpiece of the bladder, the on-off valve is stiff and when left open is not drip free as claimed. Could easily and cheaply be replaced with another bladder which would make it a perfect back pack!
Will try to add some photos later.
Farqui said...
I like it, a "Yorkshireman's" blog.
CostCo often have cycling rucksac's kicking around which are amazing value at <£9. For that you get two insulated hydro bags either of which will hold the bladder. One is capable of storing spares, clothing, etc whilst the other is smaller for just the bladder. The straps tend to slip a little in use but that's easily fixed. Otherwise they're a darn good alternative to Camelbak's.
Rob said...
Well I would say a darn cheap alternative and if squirting a bit of drink every time you close the drink valve is good then it's good too!
Would you beleive some people buy Aldi Hydra-Paks and replace the sternum straps with Camelbak ones!
Farqui said...
At least us Turner owners don't need 6"s of travel to ride XC !
Rob said...
Close to what? John Deere?
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