Monday, October 20, 2008

Wendover to Princess Risborogh Autumn Ride

Recently I've been piecing together some new routes in order to add a little variety to my riding. As a consequence, last week I discovered this gem and suggested to Farqui that he might like to give it a go. He was particularly impressed with the route on our recent night ride and I was sure this would provide even more thrills! Unfortunately, he couldn't make it but with the help of a few emails a collection of the posse had quickly vol entered.

The meeting point was Wendover Forest (just opposite Aston Hill MTB centre). The Planned Route was a figure of 8 picking up the Ridgeway at Wendover and working towards the ridge point overlooking Princess Risborough.

The ride starts with a long down hill section into Wendover town centre. From there, the Ridgeway climbs back up to the top of Becombe Hill. Its a reasonably tough climb rewarded by some spectacular views. To the East Ivinghoe Beacon, to the West Princess Risborough, Chinnor and beyond....

We continued our ride and picked up the Ridgeway Riders Route which just behind Chequers (no sign of Mr Brown!) and slowly climbed up through route strewn woodland and then fast single track until we reached Risborough and the halfway point. We took a few moments to re-fuel with energy bars and absorb another fine view before we quickly descended into Risborough. Now for the bit I chose not to tell everyone....a hard slog road climb back to the top to pick up the Ridgeway and return on our previous route. With plenty of huffing and puffing with reached the top and and made the most of the long down hill single and forest tracks back to Chequers. From here we climbed once again to take a circular route back to Wendover and the final climb to the car pack.

From my perspective it was a tough ride (2500ft accent) with some rewarding descents. It was great to ride with a good size posse and I look forward to our next day out! It's a real shame Farqui missed this one but weather permitting I'm happy to do it again as soon as his got a free weekend!!

Once again, thanks to the posse for supporting the ride and I hope it gave you a good sense of what the Ridgeway has to offer.


Posse: R2, Rob, Paul, Dozer, Darren, Les.

Conditions : Generally very good. Very dry for this time of year.

Mechanicals: Darren...two punctures!


dozer said...

R2 thanks for a great ride, it's nice to do some new trails (with hills) without having to go all the way to Wales or the Peaks. I thought the tracks were in good condition and the weather was great for this time of year. None of the up hills seemed too bad. As for Darren's 2 punctures, that depends on how you are counting, the first time we fixed 3 holes, found 2 more and then slung the inner tube :-( It would have been nice to try the cafe but the queue was massive by the time we got there so we decided to head back home, if only someone had warned us about the Traction engine Sunday drivers:-(

uphilla said...

Sounds like a great ride, I was sorry to miss this one, so hope you will do it again.

Rob said...

Great ride, thanks for organising it.