Afan Saturday afternoon

This trail shares the same initial 6km slog up the side of the valley as the Whites Level so we all knew what was coming. Some even found it too much and sneaked off back down to watch a local rugby match ! For me, the most excellent chilli and jacket spud were making themselves felt whilst leaning over on this climb and I was almost relieved when I had to stop and fix a puncture :p
Once the slog was dispatched the majority didn't fancy the Black section again, a wise decision as it had already sent one of us to A&E, so we continued on with the Skyline. Whilst mullin' over the trail options, the hills gave way to the sea and the twirling wind farm made a suitably picturesque backdrop.
The fireroad takes you around to a couple of sections of entertainment and after Granada it was time to take the 1st of two shortcuts that make the monster Skyline trail more manageable. The shortcut itself is quite steep and obviously has a high volume of water flowing down there when wet 'cos it's well cut up and very rocky, which Chris really enjoyed.
Now the trail gets to be really fun with Joyrider flinging you along the top, the side of the hillside, into and out of the woods. A sizeable fireroad slog follows which starts to wipe the smile off your face before tucking left into the woods for the grand finale and some of the best DH that Afan has to offer. Deadwood has some rocky drops that seem to have been sanitised since last year but they still caught Farqui out who pogo'd his way down with just one foot clipped in :rolleyes The whimpers from his quads cramping and nads flailing over the back wheel appeared to amuse the posse tho :p
The next couple of sections continue with some fabulous flowing sections which repays the brave with plenty of high velocity action, blurred vision, aching thighs, wrist and forearms. All managed to race down the switchbacks whoopin' and a hollerin'. Although we all had a blast down to the finish, Darren seemed particularly takin with these final sections and his companions driving back to the cabin with him prob'ly needed ear plugs :D
A great days riding was then enjoyed in good company around a fab communal BBQ back at the excellent accommodation.

Route; Tracklog
Weather; Overcast, bright spells, humid
Mechanicals; Farqui had his tubeless rear burp terminally on the initial climb, requiring a tube. During the ride, Darren spotted a slight wobble in my rear wheel which revealed a heavily dink'd rim so it was little surprise that the tubeless setup wouldn't re-seal.
Inuries; None
Farqui said...
posted on behalf of a techo fobe...
Great vids!! I've forwarded them on to Chris, who asked me to pass on his thanks as both he and Jen had a fantastic time, best tracks ever and can't wait to do it all again.
Saturday afternoon was the best single track I have ever done and I can't stop the stupid grin creeping over my face, not that anyone would spot the difference.
Great tracks, company, weather, BBQ, accomodation and time! Roll on the next trip!
Dozer reckons he'll need a week or two to overcome injuries and 6 months to convince his wife he should be allowed to go and another 3 months to smuggle his bike out of the house in small pieces so she doesn't notice he's taking it with him.
By all reports it sounds like you may have slight scuffing following an off, hope you are all right.
Looking forward to Woburn, let me know when it is! smashing!! :)
toons said...
The Videos are great; Glyncorrwg Ponds Final Descent looks Class.
Couple of things I noticed; people avoids the rocks, what’s going on there?
Also those gates are bit annoying, and the point of them is?
Farqui said...
Toons, Farqui doesn't mind a few rocks :p For some, this was their first ride over non-bridleway terrain. Also, Dozer had bust his shoulder before some of the footage and was hurting on anything too rocky.
You've a good point tho; we've already started looking into ways to help riders raise their game, enjoy the trails more and hopefully acquire less injury's along the way.
The footage is quite revealing ;)
As I understand it the gates/styles are to keep the motocross bikes from ripping up the tasty singletrack. They are a bit of a pain and some even present themselves part way into a section after a particularly techie/steep climbs - stopping here is soul destroying :x
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