Dozers Ridge Ride

Dozer's route has been planned for a few wks and since his knee (excuse #76) survived Cannock he now feels that he's able to focus on arranging a local blat :huh As you can see, I've uploaded a screenshot (3rd revision) of the route but if you have Tracklogs GPS software then you can find a copy of the proposed route, here.
Don't panic too much about the route length or the amount of climbing 'cos there will be plenty of options to bail out and few of us are convinced that we'll be able to tackle it all and still being coherent at the end :P Some of the sections can get extremely boggy and leg sapping but they should be drying out nicely at this time year.
When ? Sunday 7th May, quite early...
Posse: Brumster, DangerousDave, Darren, Dozer, Farqui, Graeham (roadie), Les, Rob, Sicknote, Uphilla
Farqui said...
Mud? That's Dozer's dept - if we send him up front then all his hot air will dry out any damp patches :p
Farqui said...
It seems that someones "halo" has gone to their "head" !
It's a long way to fall from up there - so they tell me...
Farqui said...
And I thought I was the one on drugs :p
Farqui said...
Farqui said...
Rob and Dozer have now hatched out a slightly revised Tracklogs route. It now shows pubs :) and some alternate loops...
Although it's longer than hash#1, I'm assured that it'll be less painfull and more fun.
Farqui said...
on behalf of Rob...These tracks are my home turf, I can tell you about individual trees and holes on virtually any part of it so don’t worry too much about the route or perhaps on the day rerouting around trouble, mud or thorns. We are very very lucky in Bedfordshire, we have some of the best kept countryside with a myriad of superb quality tracks, the farmers keep the countryside in tip top condition and on top of all that we have a geological fault running right along it making it changeable exciting and very beautiful.
We will pass over the clappers that’s a known Iron age fort with 6000 years of history, further across we’ll follow Roman roads over 2000 years old to a Motte & Bailey castle built by William the conqueror 1000 years ago, this is one of a line of castles built across the countryside.
The fact that Luton sits in the middle of some of the best countryside in the world is a very well kept secret, we’re prepared to share that with you but you’re not allowed to tell anyone else otherwise the county will self destruct!!
I promise you will enjoy some great fast and flowing cross country, we don’t really have much downhill like Wales but what we have you can try and if there’s anything you want to or don’t want to try we’re happy to go with the consensus.
Farqui said...
Updated blog route/pic with a last minute revision from the posse, Routes page also updated with the latest Tracklogs file
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