Hey guys, been a long time I know but things my end have gone crazy - buying a house etc! Well with this "job" I have, I get every other Thursday off, me and Lewis usually use it to get a bit of a sneaky ride in. Last time we went to Ambergate in Derbyshire, no uplift, all completely natural, and COMPLETELY NUTS. Unfortunately, we didn't get any pics..... next time...
Anyway, thought I'd give you lot an update of whats going on in the world of a "Downhilla"
We arrived at 11, after some delays on the way (M42/M6 rush hour - we were traveling from Lichfield, btw). Feeling a little disappointed at the loss of riding time, we trundled up to the uplift guy, to pay our full day pass (£22)....
"Cheers boys, we're running till 8 tonight," he says.... bit of a winner there, me thinks.
Track conditions were incredible - stupidly dry, which made it stupidly fast, but also made it extremely lethal! A lot of the track is loose stuff, when it's wet, this stuff sticks together and is nice and grippy, when it's wet, you land on it and it MOVES!
Don't know how many runs we got in in the end, but the day just got better and better, company was superb, track was spot on, and our riding was on top form...... I even cleared that jump at the bottom (see pic above) Cwmcarn XC posse may remember just how large it was!
Riders: DDave (Pimptastic Gemini Team DH); Lewis (Slightly less pimptastic Gemini)
Mechanicals: none at all, My Gemini never brakes and Lewis also looks after his....
Stacks: One major one - on the rock step downs, Lewis attempted to ride cross-camber on a rock, slipped, and went flying off DOWN THE SIDE OF THE HILL! Farqui may remember that section, it's the bit before the final down, where you can either go on the DH, or ride the XC descent... he only stopped because he landed on a VERY sharp treee.....
Link to cwmcarn track and uplift info
Link to further pics taken by Lewis and his uber camera

With all this good weather I have been determined to make the most of it, specially as I hate cleaning my bike!
It was a toss up between Cannock or the Chilterns on Saturday and as DDave had not done the Chilterns we opted for a quick blast down the M40. We were joined for the first time by two other locals, Jon and Al.
It is always worth trying natural trails at different times of year as they can completely change in character, this was so true on Saturday, you may remember that last time we went was in November and conditions were good then. This time they were even better, very dry and no slippy leaves. This made those long sweet descents so fast they had our new friends wooping with delight! The bonus was the fab spring scenery with bluebells etc. in full bloom and we almost had the place to ourselves, despite the weather.
Ok, it may not be Wales or Scotland, but at just 1 hours driving away this has to be worth a regular visit. One of the best rides of recent times for me, and with the sun beating down we just had to stop at the 5 Horseshoes for a pint or two on the way, not wanting to get dehydrated ;-) - we somehow managed to resist the amazing food served there, (note to go back another time!).
Posse: Al (S-Works Epic); Ddave (SC Chameleon HT); Jon (Stumpy FSR XL!); Uphilla (5-Spot)
Weather: Perfect!
Mechanicals: None
P.S. LX brakes now seem sorted, bought some fibrax sintered pads, bedded them in before the ride and now much more confident that they will stop me.
Earlier this week Brumster, Dozer & his clan had their first taste of knobbly action around Chicksands. Light faded pretty quickly but we managed a blue and red loop with a little explore around the north shore woodwork. Which is quite amazing...

Rising early on a Sunday (not something I often do) found me spannerin' my steed before I'd barely put down my empty bowl of gruel. I'd recently experienced a really annoying creak and didn't want to endure it any longer. The cassette was firmly nipped up and on my last ride I thought I'd traced the noisy blighter to the bottom bracket. As it's Hollowtech II it's a doddle to strip down so out came the tools and before you knew it my steed was in pieces, although it did need a few satisfying belts with my rubber mallet. Once apart it was clear that the non drive side bearing felt notchy so it was popped apart again, cleaned, lubed and reassembled in a jiffy.
The Westoning crew were all ready at the allotted time so today's blat was soon under way under a very pleasant clear and surprisingly warm sky. Even more satisfying was the silence of my partly serviced bb, phew the rushed fixed seemed to be working nicely.
Dozer's route for the morning had us crankin' plenty of ascents and descents over a mixture of gradients and surfaces. The speed of the hard trails made for speedy progress and it wasn't long before we cracked into double figures.
The steep climb out of Lilley up the Baulk saw most of us baulk and resort to pushing but Dozer managed to crank his way steadily to the summit. At least Darren had an excuse for his pedestrian ascent, his rig was fixed in the middle ring without a front dérailleur. The DH at "the springs" was as fun as ever and their regular "steep down" found me on an usual line but my oh my it was fast :D
The trail had me following routes I've only previously ridden the other way around, so riding them backwards made a pleasant change. The open cross country trails these boys crank make a pleasant change to my enclosed woodland hacks and the scenery was great in the warm sunshine. We weren't the only MTB'ers out enjoying the fine weather, horses were also out in numbers around Lilley.
Thanks for the route fella's, I'll get a hack around Woburn arranged before too long.
I think we can now say that summer is here.
Trail; 26 miles, 2,250ft ascending
Posse; Darren (Inbred), Dozer (Endozer), Farqui (5Spot), Sicknote (Hardrock)
Weather; Clear blue skies, sunshine, 19c
Mechanicals; none
Hello Dudes
I was up at Dalbeattie last Saturday and the new sections are quality.
They've added loads of new singletrack, mostly at the start and end (replaces dull fire track). Also there's a 3 or 4 new black sections towards the end and two granite wall rides!!
Here's a new black feature called 'Log on Log off'.
Log On!

Log Off !!

They've kindly slightly offset the second skinny, after the drop off!!

Also on the Red, there's the longest skinny I've ever seen, plus it's not that high, which is a bonus.