Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Mountain Bike Action Top Ten's

Hello Dudes

Found this on Mountain Bike action website thought it might be helpful.


The 10 Trail Rider’s Moves You Need To Master
Learning to look ahead is the most important trail riding skill you can develop. It is a skill you should continually hone, and by that we mean working on it 24-7. When driving on a freeway (either as the driver or passenger), practice looking far enough ahead so you see brake lights go on way in advance and anticipate slowing down without having to slam the brakes. It’s the same thing on the trail. Look ahead for trouble and the best line before you arrive there.
Instead of sighting down the front wheel at the ground right in front of it, look 30 or more feet ahead. Keep surveying up ahead and pick the fastest line while avoiding bad ruts and mud holes. Watch other riders ahead of you and read the severity of the terrain by noting how they react.

1. ACCELERADE: Accelerade should be taken before, during and after exercise. Accelerade extends endurance by speeding muscle recovery; reducing muscle damage, and enhancing rehydration. Try it for one month. Than switch off and compare results against the sports drink you used to use.
PIVOT: You do not need the ProPedal on when riding a quad link bike. Try it, and you'll be surprised at how very efficient, controlled and bob free the ride is. It's faster climbing choppy, rocky ground without the ProPedal. You accelerate up instead of spinning and fighting for traction.
5. BONTRAGER: Don’t overinflate your tires. Pressures reaching 40 psi and above greatly detract from the overall bike performance and feel. Contrary to popular myth, these higher pressures do not offer a more efficient ride off-road and in many cases make you work harder due to loss of traction, deflection, etc. Our test riders like running 28-36 psi in 2.10 tires with tubes. On 2.35-2.40 tires, we’ll drop to 26-34 psi
5. MAGURA: You can switch brake lines moto-style without bleeding the hydraulics: Turn both brake levers level to the ground. Carefully loosen the hydraulic lines. Completely unscrew the lines the rest of the way by hand. Smoothly remove the lines from the levers and keep them pointed up to prevent fluid from dripping out. (Don't squeeze the levers!) Switch and carefully reinstall the lines and torque the fasteners to factory recommended specifications.


Farqui said...

Those "trail tips" remind me of our training earlier in the year. All good ideas that really do help. The only trouble is getting 'em drlled home so they become automatic.

uphilla said...

How easy they make a 'Bunnyhop' sound, if only :-(

toons said...

Uphilla I know what you mean about the bunny hop.

Was just reading about the J-Hop!

Sounds easy on paper, then I watched it on youtube!!

Dangerous Dave said...

You can do the hose shortening thing with Hope and Shimano as well... somethimes with HAyes if you're lucky. Some interesting tips tho. Bunny hopping is easy - applying to while you are riding along tho isn't so. I'm still happy to teach you if you want :)